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Looking for a hotel during the day?

RoomForday is a hotel booking engine dedicated exclusively to daytime customers. Through our smart, user-friendly booking platform customers have access to daytime hotel rooms and suites, meeting rooms, spas, fitness studios, swimming pools, restaurants... all the extra facilities and services hotels can offer, now in select 3 to 5 star hotels. Designed like a guide, it proposes various search options by area or city and by interest or theme.

Cancel a reservation

Cancel your reservation without fees and until one hour before your arrival.

With the code you received by e-mail.

You will receive an e-mail to confirm the reservation you just did. You will also receive practical information such as the adress or the conditions of reservation.

In the chapter« Annulation » you will find a cancelation code and a link « Cancel a reservation » (find it in the footer of the website Click it and fill with the annulation code.

Once the reservation details appear : Clicq on the blue button to confirm the cancellation. The following message will appear : « The reservation has been canceled». It confirms the cancelation of you reservation.

In may account « My reservations »

You will find the following link «Cancel a reservation » in the reservation details.

You need to click on it to confirm the cancelation.

Cancellation rules

By doing a reservation in a hotel, you acknowledge having read and understood the cancelation conditions.

To get more informations, go to Terms and Condition page