Buchen Sie ein Tageszimmer
A hotel by day for your short stay: morning, noon, afternoon or all day
RoomForday is the hotel booking platform dedicated exclusively to daytime customers. Through our smart, userfriendly booking platform customers have access to daytime hotel rooms and suites, meeting rooms, spas, fitness studios, swimming pools, restaurants... all the extra facilities and services hotels can offer, now in over 500 select 2 to 5 star hotels. Designed like a guide, it proposes various search options by area or city and by interest or theme.
For leisure
Find the best hotels suited to your needs. Whether to relax, to sleep, or to enjoy comfort and intimacy for a few hours
To work
A quiet and conveniently located place to work during the day. Whether for a meeting, business lunch, coworking, a showroom or an interview
To travel
Find a hotel near an airport, a bus station, a train station or a port : travelers can call for a short period to rest or to cool down for a while.